I have been blessed so much since I started freelancing full time in August and have an over abundance of things to be thankful for. I am so grateful for the big things that have happened like getting my loans deferred so I can fallow my heart and throw all my passion into freelancing and having enough work to support myself. It has been such a great journey, even though it has been a relatively short one and I know it will only get better in the coming months and years. I am also especially thankful to several great friends that have been willing to collaborate with me on my blog and my family for backing me in my freelancing endeavors.
A big thanks to all of you that have taken the time to follow me on my journey. My goal is to tell my story and in doing so, encourage others in theirs. You are all such a blessing in my life and I give thanks for the impact you have had. Even if I dont know you and you are visiting this blog, you dont know how much of an encouragement that is. Thank you.
I would love to hear what you are grateful for in this time of Thanksgiving. Please leave a comment on who has impacted your life this year, what has inspired you, and who/what you are most thankful for.
Enjoy a blessed holiday!
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