My journey to becoming a freelance designer started back in my junior year of college. I remember being interested in the freelance design world, but really had no idea of what that meant or how it would look, I only knew I wanted to do it. That and I knew I wanted the freedom to pursue my many other creative interests e.g., hand lettering, leather work, singing, drinking lots of wine. At Design Camp 2011, I had the pleasure of hearing my friend and fellow kick ass freelancer designer, Breanna Radermacher of Breanna Rose Design & Rowen Made, talk about her independent freelance design journey. Her workshop was the first time I saw what it looked like to be a successful freelancer and that it was possible to succeed when stepping out on your own.
Over the past few years of developing my business I've come to better understand why my heart was set becoming a freelancer. There are hundreds of reasons why a career in freelance design was attractive to me; sleeping in, being my own boss, not dealing with work politics, drinking wine while I work, you know, the important stuff! But all joking aside, I have learned the most important reason I love freelancing is, I never wanted to work for people. I have always wanted to work with people.
I love freelance because I get to work alongside, aka "with," my clients. I am their go to guy and they are more than just some rando company I have no affiliation with that I make pretty things for. Instead I have a personal relationship with them. They become part of my process and I become part of theirs. Some relationships are more business driven than others, but some are not. I have clients that I not only know their industry, career goals, and employees but their personal goals, favorite color, name of their dog, and whether they love wine as much as I do! We are friends, and that's the way I prefer to work!
Now, to all my freelancing buddies out there, what say you on this topic? Why do you love freelancing? Or if you are someone that hires freelancers. What say you?